User Stories - MDasch22/Instashow GitHub Wiki
User Stories
Sign up
As a new, unregistered user, I want to be able to create an Instashow account via the sign-up:
- When I am on the home page and click the "sign up" button...
- I want to be presented with a form with all the required inputs to create an Instashow account.
- If submit is unsuccessful, I want to be displayed a list of errors on which inputs failed to match the requirements.
- If submit is successful, I want to be redirected to the home page where I can start interacting with the application immediately.
Log in
As an existing, and registered user, I want to be able to log in to the Instashow via the log-in form.
- When I am on the home page and click the "Log in" button...
- I want to be presented with a form where I am able to input my username and password.
- If submit is unsuccessful, I want to be displayed a list of errors on which inputs failed to match the requirements.
- If submit is successful, I want to be redirected to the home page where I can start interacting with the application immediately.
- C: I want to be able to create a new post to share will all other users in the database.
- R: On the home page I want to be displayed all the posts by other users that I follow as well as be able to see all the posts that I have made.
- U: If there was a problem when I first submitted my post, I want to be able to edit that specific post if necessary.
- D: If necessary, I want to delete my post.
- C: I want to be able to create a new comment under a particular post.
- R: Under each post, I want to be able to see and read all comments posted by other users regardless of if I follow them or not.
- U: I want to be able to edit my comment if necessary.
- D: If necessary, I want to delete my comment under that post.
- C: I want to be able to create a new like on a specific post that adds up to the total number of likes on that post.
- R: I want to be able to see how many likes a particular post has.
- D: I want to be able to remove a like if necessary.
- C: I want to be able to follow or be followed by other users.
- R: I want to be able to view all of my followers and the users that I am following.
- D: I want to be able to remove a follow from a users and other users will have the ability to unfollow me as well.