MVP Feature List - MDasch22/Instashow GitHub Wiki

MVP Feature List

1. New account creation, login, log out, and guest/demo user login.

  • Users can sign up, log in, and log out.
  • Users will have the ability to test the site in its full functionality with our "Guest" user login.
  • Users have access to a limited amount of features without logging in, signing up, or demoing the site.

2. Hosting on Heroku

3. Instashow Post (MVP Full CRUD)

  • Users that are logged in will be able to create a new post to share with followers.
  • Users that are logged in will be able to edit their posts if necessary.
  • Users that are logged in will be able to view/read all posts by users that they follow and also be able to view all posts that they made.
  • If necessary, users that are logged in will be able to delete their posts.

4. Comments (MVP Full CRUD)

  • Users that are logged in will be to create a new comment on a specific post.
  • Users will be able to read/view all comments on a post by a user that they follow.
  • Users that are logged in will be able to edit their comments if necessary.
  • Users that are logged in will be able to delete their comments on a post if necessary.


  • Users that are logged in will be able to leave a like on a specific Instashow post.
  • Users that are logged in will be able to see all the likes on a given post and how they're like affects that total of likes.
  • Users that are logged in will have the ability to remove a like from a post if necessary.

6. Follows

  • Users that are logged in will be able to follow/unfollow other users in the database.
  • Users that are logged in will be able to be followed/unfollowed by other users in the database.
  • Users that are logged in will be able to view their following and followers.

Bonus Features

Search Bar

  • Users that are logged in will be able to search for a specific post by search word.
  • Users that are logged in will be able to search for all posts that match a specific search word.

User Profile

  • Users that are logged in will be able to make changes to their user information if necessary.