2. Conduct internationalization research and implement features for website. - MDEllis73/mywebclass-simulation GitHub Wiki

Initiative: 2. Conduct internationalization research and implement features for website.

Epic: Internationalization Research

User story: Conduct user research to identify the languages and regions the website should support. Identify the features required to support the identified languages and regions. [5 Points]

Positive situations: Identifying a wider audience than expected and implementing support for more languages/regions, attracting a larger audience

Negative situations:Limited demand for certain languages/regions may de-prioritize or abandon their support

Task: Conduct research to gather information on the languages and regions that the website should support

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Identify the target audience of the website, including their demographics and language preferences
  2. Conduct research to determine which languages and regions should be supported on the website based on the target audience's characteristics.
  3. Identify the features required to support the identified languages and regions, such as translations, formatting, or cultural adaptations.
  4. Create a plan to implement the internationalization features, including timelines and resource requirements

Duration: 2 hours

TASK: Conduct research to gather information on the languages and regions that the website should support

  1. Identify the target audience of the website, including their demographics and language preferences:
  • The language preference will be assumed to be in English so far because there are no contents available yet.  
  1. Conduct research to determine which languages and regions should be supported on the website based on the target audience's characteristics:
  • Since it will be in English, ensure that the HTML tag of your website includes the "lang" attribute to specify the language of the content. For example, if your website is primarily in English, use "en" as the language code: html lang="en"
  • If other languages need to be added after more research:p lang="fr"....Bonjour, comment allez-vous?  
  1. Identify the features required to support the identified languages and regions, such as translations, formatting, or cultural adaptations:
  • If it requires multiple languages at the same time: Use UTF-8 as the character encoding for web content by adding this part in the head section of the HTML document with the following code: meta charset="UTF-8"  
  1. Create a plan to implement the internationalization features, including timelines and resource requirements:
  • Could be done by working with translators, designers, and developers to create and implement the necessary changes but not realistic in our position.   Other things to add:
  • Proper use the date and time format that is appropriate for the target audience. For example, if target audience is primarily in the US, use the date format "mm/dd/yyyy" and the time format "hh:mm AM/PM". If target audience is primarily in Europe, use the date format "dd/mm/yyyy" and the time format "HH:mm". Be consistent with the format throughout your website to avoid confusion.
  • Proper use of currency symbols and formatting: If you plan to offer pricing information on website, use the currency symbol and format that is appropriate for the target audience. For example, if you plan to offer prices in US dollars, use the symbol "$" and the format "USD 9.99" or "9.99 USD". If you plan to offer prices in a currency other than US dollars, research the appropriate symbol and format for that currency.