Using Source Code - MCreator-Examples/Tale-of-Biomes GitHub Wiki


Source code is mainly used as a reference for the files.
As of r0.8.0-indev source code only saves the main files for MCreator.
The files may not work for importing the source code.

Downloading & Installing

0.3.0 And Up


It is possible to get the MCreator workspace zip on the releases page for the version as of r0.3.0-indev.
This can be installed from the MCreator launcher directly without needing to hassle with GitHub or other apps.

Versions before this can still be obtained using the source code posted under the saved branches for 0.2.0 and below.

Installing In MCreator

Below are the steps to import the

  1. Run the MCreator Launcher.
  2. On the launcher screen select Import from file...
  3. Select the workspace zip file that you downloaded.
  4. Create a new empty folder and give it a name in the next window.
  5. Then select the folder by clicking the Select Folder button.
  6. MCreator will then open and start to set up the workspace from the workspace zip file in the folder you selected.


Importing the workspace can take some time, so be patient with the installation process.
Once the console is done generating the files you can start making changes to the project or explore its folders and files.

0.2.0 And Below

Follow the steps to download the branch source code below. You will need to drag and drop the tale_of_biomes.mcreator file into your launcher directly and MCreator should start to configure the workspace. A full guide for downloading source code can be found on GitHubs docs page here.