Eldenmoor Flower Plains Biome - MCreator-Examples/Tale-of-Biomes GitHub Wiki



Type Value 1 Value 2
Climet Temperature 0.5
Rain Probability 0.5
Grass Color #99CC00
Foliage Color #85B72D
Water Color #99FFFF
Water Fog Color #66CCFF
Ground Block tale_of_biomes:grass_block
Underground Block tale_of_biomes:dirt
Underwater Block tale_of_biomes:sand
Biome Generation Temperature Range Min: -0.2 Max: 0.2
Biome Generation Humidity Range Min: -0.2 Max: 0.2
Biome Generation Continentalness Range Min: 0.15 Max: 0.4
Biome Generation Erosion Range Min: 0.0 Max: 0.4
Biome Generation Wirdness Range Min: -0.5 Max: 0.5
Generate Biome In Overworld False
Generate Biome In Overworld Caves False
Generate Biome In Nether False
Minecraft Features Caves
Mod Features Tall Grass
Minecraft Structures None
Mod Structures None 1()
Entities Spawning None 2() 3()
  1. Structures will be added in the future.
  2. There will be custom entities in the future but not a high priority at the moment.
  3. Entites will be Bison, Coyote and Prairie Dogs