MVP List - MCavi/Accommodate GitHub Wiki
1. Hosting on Heroku (03/26/19)
2. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login (03/27/19, 2 days)
- Users can sign up, sign in, log out
- Users can use a demo login to try the site
- Users can't use certain features without sign in or sign up
3. Homes (03/29/2019, 2 days)
- Homes have locations
- Homes have pictures
- Have available dates which they can be booked
4. Bookings (04/01/2019, 2 days)
- Logged in users can book homes
- Users can select the dates that they are booking a home
5. Search Homes (04/02/2019, 1 day)
- Users can search for homes by location
- Users can search for homes by availability
6. Reviews (04/03/2019, 1 day)
- Users should be able to post reviews
- Users should be able to view other reviews
7. Production README (04/04/2019, 0.5 days)