Features - MCWillemsen/mouselabWEB20 GitHub Wiki
MouselabWEB 2.0 has a completely redesigned front-end, but with a similar back-end as mouselabWEB 1.0 (for now).
- based on jQuery and w3.css (easy and responsive layout)
- uses a json definition file for the mouselab table
- works with a touch screen
- using blurring on boxes rather than a box covering the information
- new mysqli code compatible with newer php versions in the php scripts
- very basic JSON editor to adjust the JSON code of the mouselabWEB tables
The w3.css allows for simple and powerful CSS design and layout. Jquery handles events easier and more consistently between browsers.
JSON structure
The most important new feature is that table is defined in a JSON structure that can be easily edited and re-used. A JSON structure defines the options and attributes and contain of these cells in the display, as well as the design of these cells and the order of presentation. Options can have more than one set of rows/cols, for example to allow for outcome/probability pairs. Each JSON definition can hold several sets that be selected for presentation. In this way, different versions of a similar set of stimuli can be generated. Sets define how to counterbalance or randomize options and and attributes and the style and layout of the table. The table can be transposed with one simple setting, flipping whether options are in rows or in columns.