PluginConfig - MCTCP/TerrainControl GitHub Wiki

The PluginConfig.ini file can be found in the TerrainControl directory. It has just three settings.

SettingsMode: WriteAll

Can be WriteAll, WriteWithoutComments and WriteDisable. Controls how this file is written. It doesn't affect WorldConfigs and BiomeConfigs, those are affected by an equivalent setting in the WorldConfig. It also doesn't affect BO2s or BO3s: Terrain Control never writes to BO2s, and BO3s have a setting in there own file.

LogLevel: Standard

Can be Off, Quiet, Standard, Debug and Trace for an increasing amount of messages in the console. The Trace option gives very detailed information, it should be avoided unless necessary.

BiomeConfigExtension: .bc

Changes the extension of the BiomeConfigs. Veterans can change this back to the old BiomeConfig.ini. There are also a few other options: .biome, .bc, .bc.ini, and .biome.ini.