Mod compatibility - MCTCP/TerrainControl GitHub Wiki

Terrain Control replaces the vanilla terrain generator, causing some features from other mods to be missing.

##Trees, ores, flowers plants If another mod adds some small feature to the world, like ores, plants, trees, chances are that the mod is compatible out of the box: the features will generate correctly. However, you can't control them using the Terrain Control configs.

If the feature doesn't appear in the world, you can try patch it using an Ore resource for ores, a Grass or Plant resource for one-block things or a BO2/BO3 for more complex things. Terrain Control 2.6 accepts using the name of a modded block (modName:blockName) on every place where you would normally enter the name of a vanilla block.

##Treasure chests Terrain Control will generate modded items in dungeons, strongholds, mineshafts, villages and Nether fortresses. However, it won't add modded items to BO3 chests: those only generate the items in the NBT file. It is possible to add modded items to the NBT file.

##Custom mobs Custom mobs will most likely spawn correctly in the vanilla biomes. It is possbile that custom mobs will spawn automatically in custom biomes. However, if they don't spawn in the correct biome, you'll need to modify the mob spawn section of the BiomeConfig. You'll need to use the internal name of the mob, that is saved in the world files.

##Custom biomes Custom biomes, like those of ExtraBiomesXL or Biomes O' Plenty, won't spawn at all. If your mod adds just a few biomes, you can try to recreate them in Terrain Control.

##Tekkit Classic Back in Minecraft 1.2.5, mod support was a lot more primitive. You'll need to add all of the terrain features yourself. Please look here for more information.

##Information for modders Terrain Control has currently no support for Forge's biome dictionary. However, thanks to a contribution made by ScottKillen, Terrain Control will fire all generation events.

See also the developer page.

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