Common problems - MCTCP/TerrainControl GitHub Wiki

Terrain Control doesn't always do what you would expect. On this page some problems frequently encountered by beginners are highlighted. If you're still stuck, you can create a forum topic that describes your problem. Be as detailed as possible and be prepared to post your startup log (preferably on or similar) or your settings (preferably in a ZIP file).

My world settings folder isn't created, only GlobalObjects exists.

Terrain Control won't take over all your worlds when you install it. You'll need to enable it first for a world. Closely follow the installation instructions. When you're still stuck, it is important to post your startup logs when you are creating a forum topic.

My settings don't have any effect on the terrain.

Have you tried regenerating the terrain? If yes, move your TerrainControl folder, start the server/the game again and look whether Terrain Control has remade the settings files. If not, Terrain Control is not even reading them. See the problem above this one on how to solve that. If yes, look at the BiomeMode and TerrainMode and make sure that they aren't set to Default (which makes them ignore your settings and use the vanilla settings instead).

I'm spawning in an ocean and I can't find any land

Don't worry, it is there. Keep swimming. Alternatively, you can change the seed of the map (for servers: you'll need a new level.dat for this, changing it only in the server.properies isn't enough) to something else. The seed 11 will spawn you on land with the default settings. You can also disable or reduce the oceans using the LandRarity setting in the WorldConfig:

LandRarity explained

This specific setting doesn't work (but other settings do)

Most settings are case sensitive and whitespace sensitive, so be precise. Some settings need higher values to give a noticeable effect. Other settings need the Terrain Control client (see the comments in the files and/or this wiki). Some settings are dependant on another setting (again, see the comments in the files and/or this wiki).

If you are not experienced with Terrain Control, always make sure that SettingsMode is set to WriteAll. This will make Terrain Ontrol reset or remove everything it doesn't understand, so that you'll immediately notice that something was wrong.