Commands and Permissions - MCTCP/TerrainControl GitHub Wiki

Here all commands and permissions are listed. They only work on the Bukkit version.

You can give a player permission for all commands with the node tc.cmd.* or tc.*.

Command syntax Permission Description
/tc biome [-f] tc.cmd.biome Shows what biome you are currently in.
/tc check [worldname] tc.cmd.check Checks if Terrain Control is enabled for the given world.
/tc help Shows info about all Terrain Control commands
/tc list tc.cmd.list Lists all custom objects
/tc map [world] Outputs a biome map in the server root.
/tc reload [world] tc.cmd.reload Reloads the configuration.
/tc spawn [object] tc.cmd.spawn Spawns a custom object at the block you are looking at.
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