TICO - MCT-master/portal GitHub Wiki

TICO setup.

picture of TICO hardware

TICO is the main interfacing between NTNU and UiO in the Portal.

Current problems

  • Packets sent from Oslo to Trondheim is stopped somewhere on the way. When you do a traceroute to Trondheims TICO you get a "request time out".
  • The video sent from Oslo is "bouncing" on the TV in Trondheim when received

TICO turn off/on

To turn off/on TICO (Oslo), you must hit the switch that is hidden under the metal coating, to the left as shown on the picture:

TICO troubleshooting

The red LED in the front of the TICO is an indicator that shows if there signal come in or out of the TICO box, respectively from Oslo/Trondheim.

This picture, taken on Oslo side, indicates that Oslo (IN) is sending a signal to Trondheim, but there is no signal coming from Trondheim (OUT).

The TICO Alliance is the consortium promoting TICO.

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