Preparing a presentation in the portal (Trondheim) - MCT-master/portal GitHub Wiki

Preparing a presentation in the portal

This page will cover how to prepare a presentation with audio through zoom, and using video from Zoom on one screen and video from TICO on the other. Following this procedure you should be able to hear Oslo, have a shared screen with a presentation of choice on one screen and video from Oslo on the other either through Zoom or through TICO.

Dual monitor setup

  • Main monitor: Panasonic, the biggest of the two screens. This screen is the one that will be used for logging into Zoom, and also the one you should have your presentations on.

    • Receiving from main computer on HDMI 3 (this should be chosen).
    • Monitor our own TICO video on HDMI 2.
  • Extended monitor: Sony, the smaller one, on the left of the Panasonic. This Monitor will be used for either TICO video or Zoom video.

    • Receiving from main computer on HDMI 2.
    • Receiving from TICO on HDMI 3.

Step 1 - Connect to a Zoom meeting

  • Connect to a Zoom meeting using the Zoom room "MCT Trondheim".
    • When you are logged in and in your home-window, press "contacts".
    • Under "Zoom Rooms", hover over "MCT Trondheim" and press meet.
    • Invite people to the meeting.
    • If you do not end the meeting for all participants when you leave, you are able to join this meeting again by doing the same procedure.

Step 2 - Share screen with audio

  • To be able to share audio through screen-share you must enable that only one participant can share at a time.
    • Press the arrow next to the green share-button and chose "One participant..time".
  • Now you can press the green share-button, and a new window will appear.
    • In the bottom left corner of this window, tick the box that says "Share computer sound".
    • Select the application you want to share, and press the blue share-button in the lower left corner.

The shared screen should now cover the main monitor with the navigation bar showing at the top of the screen if you hover your mouse over it.

You are now sharing your application with audio

Step 3 - Making video from Oslo cover the extended monitor

  • If the video of Oslo is showing on the main monitor, drag it over to the extended screen
    • Press "Speaker view" in the top right corner to make the video from Oslo cover the entire screen.

Step 4 - Viewing TICO video from Oslo on extended screen

  • Change HDMI input from HDMI 2 to HDMI 3.
    • On the left side (seen from front) of the monitor, there is a square "source"-button
    • Locate the two USB-inputs when you look on the left side (you can use a flashlight if you need to).
    • Behind the top USB-input the "source"-button is located.
    • Press the "source"-button TWO times

Now you have changed the source to HDMI 3, and TICO video from Oslo should appear on the screen! To go back to Zoom-video, follow the same procedure, but press the "source"-button SEVEN times.

There may be some settings in your Zoom account making this not work for you, but lets hope not.