Portal Setup for MCT 4044 Spatial Audio (Fall 2021) - MCT-master/portal GitHub Wiki


The Spatial Audio course requires a setup to support multiple inputs and outputs for three of the MCT labs, the Portal at UiO and NTNU, as well as the Video Room. Both Portals, UiO, and NTNU share audio via LOLA and the setup receives any computer through the internal sound card in the MIDAS mixer, which is configured to support the necessary routing. In the case of the Video Room, it has an independent system and differs from both portals in terms of equipment. The setup for every location is explained below.

Setup - Portal UiO

This setup allows sending two groups of outputs from an external PC connected to the internal card of the MIDAS mixer. Inputs 1-8 from card are sent to LOLA (NTNU) and 9-16 to the local 8-loudspeakers array. Likewise, 8 audio signals are received from LOLA (NTNU) to the local speakers. The complexity of managing multiple outputs requires the equipment illustrated in the image below, as well as a proper signal flow and routing.

Portal UiO

The configuration in the MIDAS mixer needs to be changed in order to support fader control for local inputs, LOLA inputs, and local speakers outputs. The next image shows the state of the mixer for inputs 17-24 (local inputs from card), inputs 25-32 (inputs from LOLA), and buses 9-16 (local 8loudspeakers array).

mixer 1

INPUTS are mapped accordingly for faders 17-24 to card 9-16. For LOLA, faders 9-16 to local 9-16 which are the inputs that receive LOLA. This configuration is presented below.

mixer inputs

The outputs 9-16 are mapped with AES-B 1-8 outputs so that the 8 signals can be sent to the speakers that are connected to the stage box.

mixer aes b

Then, buses from 9 to 16 are assigned to outputs 1 to 8 so that they can control the speaker levels and map the card inputs. In the next image you can note that Output 1 is mapped to MixBux 9, the rest are similar.

mixer out

Zoom works independently from physical inputs 23 and 24, that is why it is mapped to faders 9 and 10. The picture below shows the mapping for fader channel 9.

mixer zoom

Setup - Video Room

The video owns a simpler model which is depicted in the next diagram. There is just one MAC computer in which plugins will be used.

dungeon setup

Setup - Portal NTNU

The Setup at the NTNU portal is pretty much the same as the UiO portal, 8 channel signal can be received and sent from, and to the UiO portal. On the mixer, bus 1-8 is set as the individual speaker channel, Bus 9-16 is sending the signal to Oslo, the signal from Oslo is received on the input 1-8, input 17-24 is set as the local input, and input 25-32 is set as the individual signal from the card. These are explained in detail below with pictures of the individual channel groups and buses, also the routing and settings of LOLA on the LOLA pc.

Oslo to Trondheim

The signal from Oslo over Lola and is recieved on the input channels 1-8, this signal are then routed to bus 1-8 which is routed to the local speaker array. You can see it in the images below.

Input Channel 1-8 (receiving signal from Oslo, and is connected to ADAT box at the port - TDIF 1 Aux)

Channel 1-8 routed to Bus 1-8(local speaker array) using fader flip

Trondheim to Oslo

Input 25-32 on the mixer is set as the card input 9-16 and is sent to bus 9-16 which are being sent to Oslo using fader flip

Input 25-32 (card input 9-16)

Bus 9-16 sending to Oslo.

additional local inputs 17-34 for mic and other instruments

Routing on the mixer

LOLA settings on the LOLA PC.