OSLO Portal settings (Turn on Shut down routine) - MCT-master/portal GitHub Wiki

Update on the Portal settings, January 23 2019

Tico is not working on Trondheim side, and we are waiting for this to be fixed. LOLA sound is working fine, and Zoom is the only real option for video at the moment. So we are currently using LOLA for audio and Zoom for video.

Directions on how to set up Lola audio on the MIDAS mixer will updated on this page.

Turn-on routine Oslo (updated on January 23 2019)

  1. Turn on the Canon HD camera:
  1. Turn on the Zoom PC
  2. Log on to the computer with your UiO user and password and log into Zoom with your Zoom account.
  3. In Zoom , enter "Join" and connect to "mctntnu".
  1. If this is not working, see if any of the Trondheim students are online, and call them on Zoom.
  2. We are currently using the TV wall for Zoom Video. It should preferably be on all the time, but if it's off, turn it on with the TICO monitor remote control.
  3. In Zoom, choose the "Blackmagic Web Presenter" for video, and push "Start Video"

Now it's time to turn on the audio.

  1. Make sure the Midas mixer is on, and turn up the master volume switch
  2. If no settings are changed on the mixer since last time, there should be sound with Zoom now. For details about Midas mixer, visit this page.
  3. But we want LOLA sound, not Zoom sound. Turn on Lola machine. Password: LOLA4ever!
  4. Hit "LOLA XIMEA" on the desktop
  5. Connect without video. Or perhaps Trondheim side logs on before you, then a black screen will appear and you are connected!
  1. Now, make sure the settings are right on the mixer: To control what you send to LOLA, "Fader Flip" button must be on and blinking red. On right side, only LOLA faders should be up, and main volume fader.
  1. Turn off the "fader flip" button and hit "AUX IN USB" button on the left to control inputs from LOLA. Turn down the Zoom faders if they are up, only Lola faders should be up

That's it! "Can you hear me now?!"

Leaving the Portal for the day

  1. Turn off any systems used, except from the TV wall. It can be on all the time. Remember to turn off the Canon HD camera.