OSC Open Sound Control - MCT-master/portal GitHub Wiki

Open Sound Control, OSC, is a protocol for sending control messages over a computer network using UDP. This can for example be used to control parameters of a synthesizer, but with a higher resolution and more dynamic application than the MIDI protocol. It can also be used to communicate between mobile devices and computers to utilise their onboard sensors or apps for interactivity.

Communication is achieved with IP addresses, meaning that for OSC to work across different local networks, the addresses must be public. A workaround that has been found for the portal is to use either UiO's or NTNU's VPN. These virtual private networks are usually used to access files, documents and sources only available at the university campus, but also provide access to the local network remotely, meaning a computer in Trondheim can be "inside" the network at UiO and vice versa.

In Max/MSP, OSC can be sent and received with the "udpsend" and "udpreceive" objects. In Pure Data, the objects are called "netsend" and "netreceive".