How to setup Jamulus on NREC - MCT-master/portal GitHub Wiki
This tutorial will show you how to set up NREC and Jamulus. You can skip to the Jamulus section if you are going to host it on a different service.
All NTNU and UiO users should have access to NREC using their Feide login.
Go to NREC and select Sign In
. For authentication choose: Dataporten
Once you've logged in you can see at the top left of your screen your project name,
in this case
and the location, in this case osl
for Oslo.
is the default but you will want to select set your location to osl
for slightly lower latency.
On the left, expand the Project
menu then Network
menu and select Security Groups
. You will probably have the default security group, but we will want to make two more: One for the SSH port so we can connect to the machine to set it up, and another for the Jamulus ports so people can connect to the Jamulus server.
Click the + Create Security Group
Give the security group the name SSH
and click Create Security Group
Your new security group gets created with two rules we don't want so make sure you delete both of the default rules first.
Now click the Add Rule
From the Rule
dropdown list, select SSH
which is at the very bottom of the list, then click the Add
button at the bottom right of the dialogue.
You've set up the SSH
Security group, now we need to make the second group for the Jamulus port.
Click on Security Groups
again in the left menu, and click Create Security Group
Give this one the name Jamulus
and click Create Security Group
Delete the two default rules again.
Click Add Rule
and select Custom UDP Rule
from the Rule
Then just add 22124
to the Port
field and click Add
You've set up your security groups.
Now expand the Project
dropdown, then the Compute
dropdown, and select Instances
. Click the Launch Instance
button on the right of the screen.
Give your machine and
Instance Name
and click Next >
Click the up arrow
for GOLD Debian 10
, then scroll to the bottom of the dialogue
and click Next >
The only Flavor
you can use for Debian with a standard NREC account is the m1.small
so click the up arrow
to select m1.small
and then click Next >
Click the up arrow
for dualStack
and click Next >
. This gives you both IPv4
and IPv6 access.
On the Network Ports
page you can't do anything, just click Next >
On the Security Groups
page, click the up arrows
for SSH
and Jamulus
to move them from the Available
list to the Allocated
list. Once your screen looks like this, click Next >
On the Key Pair
page you can import a key pair if you already have one. If you don't, or don't know what I'm talking about, click the Create Key Pair
The key pair lets you connect to the machine by using a secret file on your computer, so no one else
can connect to the machine unless they have your secret key file. The key will reside on your current computer so in the field Key Pair Name
put a name that will help you identify where you are connecting from.
For Key Type
select SSH Key
Press the Create Keypair
The private key that gets shown to you when you click Create Keypair
is what you need to store in your secret file in your computer and you should never give it to anyone else.
Click the Copy Private Key to Clipboard
If you're using windows, open VSCode, create a new file and paste in the copied private key and save it to:
On OSX open your text editor, paste in the copied private key and save it to:
Change your_user_name
with your account name on your computer.
Click the Done
button on the Create Key Pair
Your new keypair will now show up in the Allocated
We don't need to configure anything else, so click the Launch Instance
button at the bottom right.
Your instance will be scheduled for creation. If you wait a few seconds it will show up on your instances page.
Note the IP address of your new machine!
Open a terminal which has ssh (Powershell or cmd on Windows, Terminal on OSX).
Type the following to connect to your new machine, replacing with the IP address just took note of:
On Windows:
ssh -i .ssh\id_rsa.pem [email protected]
ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa [email protected]
When asked Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
type yes
and hit enter
You should now be presented with a terminal on your new linux box!
These instructions assume you are using a Debian distribution of Linux.
SSH to your linux machine and run the following commands in the linux terminal:
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential qtdeclarative5-dev qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools libjack-jackd2-dev
tar -xzf Jamulus-3.5.10.tar.gz
cd Jamulus3.5.10/
qmake "CONFIG+=nosound headless"
make clean
sudo adduser --system --no-create-home jamulus
sudo mkdir /var/log/jamulus
sudo chown jamulus:nogroup /var/log/jamulus/
sudo mv ~/Jamulus3.5.10 /usr/local/bin/jamulus
We now have to make a service file that will run Jamulus in the background.
We will use the nano
text editor. Run the following command to open the text editor.
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/jamulus.service
Paste the text below into the open text editor in your terminal.
# This line below is what you want to edit according to your preferences
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/jamulus/Jamulus --server --nogui \
--log /var/log/jamulus/jamulus.log \
--welcomemessage "<h2>My amazing server</h2>" \
--numchannels 30
# end of section you might want to alter
Press the following key combinations to save and close the file.
Write out to file: ctrl + o
Confirm: enter
Close the text editor: ctrl + x
Now run the following commands to run the Jamulus service.
sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/jamulus.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start jamulus
Run this command to confirm no errors were thrown when starting the service.
tail /var/log/syslog
Now connect to your new Jamulus server using the IP address you noted earlier.