Ableton & E4L - MCT-master/portal GitHub Wiki

Ableton & Envelop for Live

Envelop for Live is a collection of free, open-source spatial audio production tools that work with Ableton Live 10 Suite. Three-dimensional sound placement enables artists to create immersive mixes for multichannel spaces and headphone-based VR/AR environments, amplifying emotional impact by placing the audience inside the music.


  • Ableton Live, Max4Live, Envelop for Live

  • 4 Microphones, Soundcard with at least 4 stereo inputs

Set up

  • Set up the microphones(condenser mics in this case) around the room as wanted.

  • Route the microphones to 4 stereo inputs in the soundcard.

  • Attach the soundcard via USB to the computer/laptop with Ableton Live.

In Ableton make sure the input device is set to the soundcard you are using. Also check input config that the relevant inputs that are activated

A channel is made in ableton for each of the microphones, so 4 tracks labelled mic 1-4. These tracks will have the relevant mics routed to each track. In the picture on each track in the drop down menu where it states ‘Ext in’ the sound card (midas mixer in this case) is picked, then the relevant stereo input on the second drop down menu below.

Then attach E4L stereo panner on each mic track in ableton. With each E4L stereo panner you can place each microphone in the room where you choose

ambi ableton setup.jpeg

Then, below that you route all 4 mic tracks to the E4L Master track, which contains the E4L master plug in. On each mic track you can route to different inputs on the E4L plug in, so that it can process all 4 inputs at once.

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