2021 Fall Endsemester Concert Guide Salen - MCT-master/portal-wiki GitHub Wiki

Stage with projector projecting over it!

1. Introduction and background

This wiki-page explains a possible setup in Salen for a telematic performance and communication via LOLA. It’s based on a concert held on december 3rd 2021. The concert can be viewed here.

2. Technical Setup

The setup is based around the LOLA computer and the M32 mixer. Video is handled mostly by the LOLA computer's output and the streaming-computer. Audio is handled by the M32.

A dedicated streaming-computer is used to handle streaming to youtube. This is because the LOLA computer shouldn’t be used for anything more than running LOLA.

The musicians on stage both sent and received audio. This was done so they could resample the inputs from the other location.

A dedicated projector was also used to project visuals over the musicians. This was handled by a stand-alone computer and projector. The same visuals were used in the livestream to make it coherent.

2.1 Equipment

Hardware (without stage-equipment)

  • LOLA Rack
    • LOLA Camera
  • M32 Mixer
  • Streaming Computer
    • 2x HDMI to USB video-cards
  • Visualiser Computer
  • HDMI splitter
  • Low latency monitor
  • 1x USB3 Cable
  • 2x Projectors
  • 3x Cat6 Ethernet
  • 4x XLR
  • 7x HDMI cables


2.2 Setup

The routing is split into audio and video routing, using multiple different types of cable and standards. Below is a guide on how we set up the routing.

Showing the technical booth.

A image of the technical booth taken from the M32 mixer's position. From left to right: Visual Computer connected to the projector, streaming computer, and LOLA computer.

2.2.1 Audio

The LOLA computer receives and sends audio over LOLA to the other LOLA computer. From the local LOLA computer, audio is transmitted via XLR back and forth between the M32.

The M32 handles three mixes:

  1. FOH mix for the audience:
  • A stereo mix of both locations for the audience in Salen.
  1. LOLA mix for the performers in the other location:
  • A stereo mix sent to the other location via LOLA.
  1. Livestream mix to the streaming computer:
  • A stereo mix sent to the streaming computer for the livestream.

Transmitting audio from the M32 to the streaming-computer can be done in many ways. This setup used Dante to transmit audio, but it can also be done via XLR to an audio interface. When using Dante, it’s important to transmit the correct channels to the streaming-computer. This can be selected in the routing-menus of the M32 and in Dante Controller.

If Dante is not available, XLR to an audio-interface works just fine when sent from the bus outputs on the M32.

2.2.2 Video

Most of the video routing is handled by the multiple outputs of the LOLA-computer and HDMI splitters. The LOLA computer already transmits and receives video over the LOLA connection, so to enable the musicians, audience and livestream to watch the other room or the livestream, we utilized mirrored outputs from its video card and HDMI splitters.

The setup used:

  • LOLA HDMI out 1:
    • Control monitor, for controlling parameters in the LOLA computer.
  • LOLA HDMI out 2:
    • HDMI splitter for stage-projector and stage video-monitor. This one provides videofeed of the performers in the other location.
  • LOLA HDMI out 3:
    • Mirrors HDMI out 2 and sends it to the streaming computer, then into OBS to enable steam of remote performers.
  • LOLA HDMI out 4:
    • Sends the camera that transmits video to the other location to the streaming computer, then into OBS to enable stream of local performers.

The streaming-computer accepted two feeds from two USB video cards. This is handled by OBS by using scenes. OBS is already great for streaming video to the internet, and it is a powerful tool for manipulating live video. By creating different scenes with different content, this can be switched live, so the livestream provides varying content.

2.2.3 Routing plan

Salen Routing-diagram

Routing-diagram showing the connections done between components in the setup

Type Cable Source Destination Placement Comments
#/# (from) Contact Balanced/Unbalanced RACK/U (to) Contact #
USB3 #1 USB3 LOLA-Camera USB3 N/A LOLA-Computer USB3 Stage Camera feed of Salen-musicians to LOLA
HDMI #1 HDMI LOLA Computer Video out #1 HDMI N/A LOLA Computer Monitor DVI Technical Booth For controlling settings in the LOLA computer
HDMI #2 HDMI LOLA Computer Video out #2 HDMI N/A HDMI Splitter HDMI Technical Booth Splits the Portal-Musicians video-feed to sources
HDMI #3 HDMI HDMI Splitter HDMI N/A Projector #1 HDMI Roof-mounted Projecting the Portal-musicians to the audience
HDMI #4 HDMI HDMI Splitter HDMI N/A Monitor Stage HDMI Stage Video-link to the portal-musicians.
HDMI #5 HDMI Visual Computer HDMI N/A Projector #2 HDMI Technical Booth For video projection in Salen for esthetic reasons.
HDMI #6 HDMI LOLA Computer Video out #3 HDMI N/A Streaming-computer Video-In #1 HDMI Technical Booth Mirrors LOLA Computer Video out #2 (portal-musicians)
HDMI #7 HDMI LOLA Computer Video out #4 HDMI N/A Streaming-computer Video-In #2 HDMI Technical Booth Camera feed of Salen-musicians.
RCA>XLR #1 RCA Stereo LOLA Computer RCA U M32 2x XLR Technical Booth Sends audio from LOLA to the M32
XLR>RCA #1 XLR Stereo M32 XLR U LOLA Computer 2x RCA Technical Booth Sends audio from the M32 to LOLA
XLR Recive #1 XLR 1-6 Stage XLR B M32 XLR Technical Booth Lines from the musicians
XLR Return #1 XLR 1-4 M32 XLR B StageBox XLR Stage Returns LOLA audio to Salen musicians to resample audio
Cat6 #1 Cat6 M32 RJ45 N/A Streaming-computer RJ45 Technical Booth Dante for Live-Stream
Cat6 #2 Cat6 LOLA Computer RJ45 N/A Patchpanel booth RJ45 Technical Booth Link to the other LOLA computer
Cat6 #3 Cat6 Streaming-computer RJ45 N/A Internet RJ45 Technical Booth Ethernet-link to the internet for streaming

3. Improvements

Further improvements can be made to this setup as it is not perfect. The use of more complex routing in combination with a more complex audio mix can enable more to be achieved. In this setup, the musicians did not have any monitoring capabilities onstage. This decision was made as they judged the PA to provide enough monitoring for them.

The video production can also be expanded by using an external video mixer. This would enable the use of multiple cameras in multiple different locations.

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