Taking Your Turn (and using Reactions) - MCDMFG/KingdomsAndWarfare GitHub Wiki

Tracking Activations

The battle tracker handles turns a little differently than the combat tracker. Like the combat tracker, you can still use the Next Actor button to advance to the next commander's turn, but while the commander takes their turn, they have to activate all their units.

To allow commanders the freedom to activate their units in any order they like, they can double click on the unit's token icon in the battle tracker. Doing this activates the unit. The unit is highlighted in the battle tracker and a message is sent to chat to signify this.

When a unit's activation ends and a new unit is activated (or the turn is passed to another commander), a small "X" icon will appear over the token indicating that the unit has already activated this round. These activation icons are all removed when a new round starts

activating a unit

Tracking Unit Reactions

When a unit rolls a test and it is not that unit's turn, the extension will automatically mark that unit's reaction as being used. This displays a '!' icon in the upper left corner of the token. Reactions are refreshed when a unit starts its turn.

tracking reactions