Rolling from Unit Traits - MCDMFG/KingdomsAndWarfare GitHub Wiki

Rolling from Traits on the unit sheet

The text within a unit trait function just as NPC actions do: you can hover over relevant text within the trait to highlight anything that can be rolled (either for the unit or a target). Currently unit traits will parse for:

  • Tests - If these are rolled with no target, then the unit with the trait makes the roll. If the roll was dropped onto an enemy unit, the enemy unit rolls the test instead.
    • Example: "DC 15 Command test", "DC 13 Morale test"
    • Example with variable DC: "Morale test (DC = 8 + this unit's size)", "Command test (DC = 12 + this unit's tier)"
  • Damage
    • Example: "2 casualties", "1 damage", "1d4+2 casualties"
  • Healing
    • Example: "Recovers 1d4+2 hit points", "increments this unit's casualty die"
  • Effects
    • Example for Conditions: "Diminished", "Disorganized", "Weakened"
    • Example for tokens: "adds a bleed token to a target unit. Each bleed token inflicts 2 casualties"
    • Example for advantage/disadvantage: "has advantage on attack tests", "has disadvantage on morale tests"

unit trait rolls

Rolling from Traits on the Battle Tracker

When a unit is selected on the battle tracker, the traits list highlights any rolls or effects for a particular trait. These can be selected and dragged onto a target to apply, as shown below.

rolling from traits on the battle tracker