Martial Advantages for PCs - MCDMFG/KingdomsAndWarfare GitHub Wiki

Martial advantages can be added to PCs by drag/dropping the martial advantage on either the Abilities tab or the Actions tab of the PC sheet. This will add the trait to both places. If the martial advantage uses any kind of roll or effect, those actions will be added to the actions tab automatically.

add martial advantage to pc

Martial advantages have an "Actions" tab that contains the default actions for that martial advantage. These actions are automatically added to PCs with the martial advantage.

add martial advantage with actions

Setting the Domain Size for a PC

Some martial advantages reference your PC's domain size. You can set this in the Group Properties for your Martial Advantages group on the Actions tab.

change domain size PC

Adding a new Test roll to PC action

To create a new Test roll, use the same "Add Action" menu you do for other rolls. There is a new "Add Test (Unit)" option for you to select.

add new test action pc


Since PCs don't roll tests themselves, all tests rolled from the PC actions tab require a target to function. You can drag/drop the roll icon directly onto a token to force that unit to roll a test.

pc using martial advantage rolls