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Code Documentation

SciCM is code-wise a small package, for this reason we have opted to simply provide the code documentation in this wiki. Examples and viscm visualisations for all colour maps are available within this documentation.

How to choose which colour map to use

SciCM includes a wide variety of colour maps (second only to matplotlib's in the number of colour maps) so it can easily become confusing to choose one. While we do not claim that there exists a singular correct colour map for any particular data visualisation, there is a family of colour maps that are best for presenting your data. The following guide explains the design rationale, and hence use case(s), of all colour maps included in SciCM. Although we do not discuss colour maps offered in other libraries, the same principles should still apply.

Relevant links

Most of the colour maps included in SciCM, together with the guide we include in this wiki, are heavily inspired by Kovesi (2015), which is highly recommended to those interested in the fundaments of perceptually uniform colour maps. This page on the design of the perceptually uniform colour map set for matplotlib is also highly informative.