decorations - MArpogaus/awesome GitHub Wiki


This Module manages the wibars and desktop widgets.

there are two kinds of decorations:

  1. wibar
  2. desktop (popups)


The module is configured though the decorations field with the following parameters:

Name Description Type Default
desktop configure desktop elements ('arcs') string nil
wibar configure wibars ('default' or 'dual') string 'default'
widgets_args configure widgets table {}

Wibar decorations

The wibar filed expects a list of wibar decoration modules found in either ~/.config/awesome/config/decorations/wibar or ~/.config/awesome/rc/decorations/wibar.

Optionally, a table with configuration values can be provided (i.e. {'decoration1', ['decoration2'] = {...}}.

This configuration comes with two sets of wibar decorations:

  • default configures the wibar similar to the stock rc.lua
  • dual adds an addition wibar in the bottom.

Both decorations support the following configuration parameters

Name Description Type Default
widgets widgets to be added to the wibar array {wibox.widget.textclock()}

Desktop decorations

The desktop filed expects a list of desktop (popup) decoration modules found in either ~/.config/awesome/config/decorations/desktop or ~/.config/awesome/rc/decorations/desktop.

Optionally, a table with configuration values can be provided as described above.

This configuration comes only one desktop decoration calles arcs

The arcs decoration supports the following configuration parameters

Name Description Type Default
widgets widgets to be added to the wibar array {wibox.widget.textclock()}
visible show / hide desktop widgets bool true

Widget Parameters

Some widgets (weather, temp, net) require additional configuration. The parameters for each widget are stored in the table under the key widgets_args.

An example configuration is shown in the following listing:

widgets_arg = {
    weather = {
        -- Your city for the weather widget
        city_id = '2643743',
        app_id = '4c57f0c88d9844630327623633ce269cf826ab99'
    temp = {
        -- Set resource for temperature widget
        thermal_zone = 'thermal_zone0'
    net = {
        -- Network interface
        net_interface = 'eth0'

The following table gives an overview of all widget parameters:

Name Description Type
city_id open weather map id of your city. Find it here: string
app_id open weather map API key. Sign up here: string
thermal_zone resource for temperature widget: string
net_interface network interface to monitor: string