Week 1 (25.11.) - MATF-RS20/RS015-ipds-iterated-prisoners-dilemma-simulation GitHub Wiki


  • decided on the idea
  • drafted UML
  • made specimen representation in Blender
  • tried working in Unreal, realized it was more realistic to make this in qt
  • set up YouTrack with descriptions of features, sketches, timers, links, tasks, deadlines, etc.

Scraped graphic representation of Specimen:



  • develop Specimen abstract class for specimen with different strategies to inherit
  • develop the following strategies: Dove, Hawk, AllRandom, Pavlov, Tit-for-Tat, Two-Tits-for-Tat, Tat-for-Two-Tits
  • develop the Simulation class which will house the logic for the whole simulation
  • develop enums for strategies and outcomes
  • start working on the layout of the graphical interface