Commits 15_19 better animations, more levels, level reset option if the level was failed and MORE LEVELS - MATF-RG19/RG183-coding-simulator GitHub Wiki

Changes in these commits:

  • The figure now turns to the side its supposed to go to next instead of just moving sideways. example
  • Added a level failed animation (not added when the figure wanders off the path yet): example
  • More levels added (NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!!)
  • Separated the code into a few files. With a lot of external variables. This semi-defeats the purpose of separating code into different files but I couldn't look at a 1000-line long main.c
  • Previously if a level was failed you were stuck and couldn't progress (had to restart the game), now you can press 'r' to restart a level you've failed: example
  • Slightly automatized tile creation, previously you needed to set the individual array elements to the coordinates, now you just need to input (...hundreds of...) coordinates into a text file. But everything is pretty much automatized so in order to create a new level you need to do very little besides adding the coordinates for the simple and special tiles, e.g. you need to set where the camera will stop when it zooms out.