Commits 11_14 Print and reset moves, camera movement, animation tweaks and optimizations - MATF-RG19/RG183-coding-simulator GitHub Wiki
List of changes in these commits:
- entered moves are now show in the lower left corner (when camera zoom in/out isn't happening) and can be reset by pressing the 'c' key
- camera movement has been added: at the beginning of the level for a better overview of the level, and the camera now follows the figurine as it moves across the field
- changed the tile activating and level finishing animations slightly (figurine now jumps and rotates when activating the last tile on a level)
- a huge, huge performance boost thanks to optimizing the draw_triangle_carpet() method, the application now works 10x faster than it did. The oversight made beforehand (that caused such horrible performance) was too many calls to glBegin() and glEnd(). Triangles are now were drawn with disgustingly complicated but highly optimized code.
Planned changes:
- some kind of animation when the figurine wanders off of the tiles
A look at the new features: