iFrame - M-Media-Group/Cartes.io GitHub Wiki

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You can use an iFrame to embed any public or unlisted map on your website. To do so, create an iFrame and set the source to https://app.cartes.io/maps/{your-map-id}/embed?type=map. Just like on the site, you can use lat, lng, and zoom in the URL query parameters to set the map to a specific position.

Demo map code

To embed the demo map for example, you'd use the following code.

<iframe src="https://app.cartes.io/maps/048eebe4-8dac-46e2-a947-50b6b8062fec/embed?type=map"

postMessage events

You can listen to postMessage events emitted when embedding a map using iFrames. Each event is an object, containing the event type (see below), and the data.

For security reasons, you should always verify that the origin is "https://app.cartes.io".

See the example in JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/cLpvtbej/2/

window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
  if (event.origin !== "https://app.cartes.io") {
  console.log(event.data.type, event.data.data);
}, false);

Read more about using postMessage here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/postMessage


Emitted when the map settings are updated. The map object will be available in the data key.


Emitted when the map is deleted. The map object will be available in the data key.


Emitted when a marker is created. The marker object will be available in the data key.


Emitted when a marker is deleted. The marker object will be available in the data key.

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