API - M-Media-Group/Cartes.io GitHub Wiki

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Cartes.io is a platform that lets you create maps and markers for anything - and it's built atop a powerful API. You can use this API to create maps and markers, as well as get up to date info.

API base:


Note: to get back a response in JSON - you must pass the Accept: application/json header.

Run in Postman

Use Cases

There are many reasons to use the API. You can create maps and markers for anything, and integrate it wherever you'd like (as long as it's all legal).

You can also automate the placement of markers if your project needs to do so!


You can use the API without authorisation. When you create a marker or a map, each will return a token. You must use this token for further actions on the resource.

Authorization for maps

You do not need an API key to create maps. When you create a map via API, it will return the map object with a token field. This token will only be returned once, and is required to edit or delete the resource you just created.

Authorization for markers

Map setting Required parameter Type Description
Anyone can create markers - - -
Only logged in people can create markers api_key or map_token string -
Only the map owner can create markers map_token string -

If the map settings allow anyone to create markers, you do not need an API key to create markers.

If the map settings allow only logged in people to create markers, you need an API key to create markers. To authenticate an API request, you should provide your API key in the Authorization header.

Regardless of the map settings, you can create markers if you have the map token.

When you create a marker via API, it will return the marker object with a token field. This token will only be returned once, and is required to edit or delete the resource you just created.

Response Status Codes

Cartes.io returns the following status codes in its API:

Status Code Description
200 OK

Rate limits

Endpoints for creating resources are rate limited. If you make requests without being authenticated, those rate limits are much more restrictive and are both per-minute and per-day. When you make requests as an authenticated user with your access token, there are no daily limits and the per-minute ones are more permissive.

You can look at the response headers X-RateLimit-Limit and X-RateLimit-Remaining to determine how many more requests you can make in the given timeframe.

When you exceed the amount of requests allowed, you will receive a 429 response code with a header Retry-After, where the number represents how many seconds are left before you can retry the request.



Get all public maps

GET /api/maps

Optional query parameters


Fetch only the maps with the corresponding IDs. Note, the maps must be public or unlisted.

GET /api/maps?ids[]=048eebe4-8dac-46e2-a947-50b6b8062fec

Get the public maps that contain the listed category ids.

GET /api/maps?category_ids[]=1

Get the maps including the current users maps. Note: requires a valid API token associated to a user to be passed.

GET /api/maps?withMine=true

You can expand markers, markers.category, markers.locations, activeMarkers, activeMarkers.category, activeMarkers.locations, publicContributors, categories, activeCategories, related, user in the response.

GET /api/maps?with[]=markers

Note that expanding user will only return a user if that user is you (when passing an API token) or when the user has their profile set to public.


Order the results by the field, in descending order.

GET /api/maps?orderBy=markers_count

You can write simple queries to filter the results. It is loosely based on Stripes query parameter: https://stripe.com/docs/search#search-syntax. Note that in this version, you should not wrap strings or values in quotes.

GET /api/maps?query=markers.category.name~shark

When requesting markers with the with query parameter, you can also choose to pass format=geojson to return the markers in GeoJSON format.

Search all public maps

GET /api/maps/search?q=xxx

Create a map

POST /api/maps
Parameter Type Rules Required Description
title string Max: 191 - The title of the map
slug string Max: 255 - The map slug. Currently un-used
description string - - The description of the map and its purpose
privacy string Must be one of: public, unlisted, private - The privacy level of the map
users_can_create_markers string Must be one of: yes, no, only_logged_in - The setting that defines who can create markers

If you're unauthenticated, you will be limited as to how many maps you can create per day.

If you don't create any markers on your map within a day, it will automatically be deleted.

Get a single map

GET /api/maps/{map-uuid}

Sample response from https://cartes.io/api/maps/048eebe4-8dac-46e2-a947-50b6b8062fec:

  "slug": "048eebe4-8dac-46e2-a947-50b6b8062fec",
  "title": "Demo map",
  "description": "This map is a demo map, meant to help you try out this website. You can create markers here willy-nilly, but please behave. Information on this map is not real or accurate.",
  "privacy": "public",
  "users_can_create_markers": "yes",
  "options": null,
  "uuid": "048eebe4-8dac-46e2-a947-50b6b8062fec",
  "created_at": "2020-05-03T15:24:48+02:00",
  "updated_at": "2020-11-20T01:59:58+01:00",
  "categories": [
      "id": 13,
      "name": "Wind turbine",
      "icon": "/images/marker-01.svg",
      "markers_count": 1

Keep in mind that our frontend SPA supports Markdown in the description field, so when developing your own applications you may need to parse that.

Get a maps static image

Returns a rendered version of the map as an image.

GET /api/maps/{map-uuid}/images/static

The generated images are cached for 6 hours on the server before being updated again.

The generated map is center relative to the average of all markers, with a default zoom level of 5. You can change the zoom by passing a zoom query parameter with the value (2-19) you want.

Get related public maps

GET /api/maps/{map-uuid}/related

Edit a single map

PUT /api/maps/{map-uuid}

To edit a map, you need to pass the map_token in the request. If the map is associated to your account you can pass an API key instead.

Delete a single map

DELETE /api/maps/{map-uuid}

Claim a map

If you have a map_token and would like to associate a map with your user account on Cartes.io, you can use this endpoint. You must also pass an API authentication token to use this endpoint.

POST /api/maps/{map-uuid}/claim

Un-claim a map

If your map is associated to your Cartes.io account and you'd like to make it anonymous, you can use this endpoint. A valid API token is required to use this endpoint.

DELETE /api/maps/{map-uuid}/claim


Get all markers on a map

GET /api/maps/{map-uuid}/markers
Parameter Type Required Description
show_expired Boolean - Show markers that have already expired
format String - Pass geojson to get back markers in GeoJSON format

Sample response from https://cartes.io/api/maps/048eebe4-8dac-46e2-a947-50b6b8062fec/markers:

    "id": 108,
    "location": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [
    "category_id": 6,
    "created_at": "2020-05-03T15:25:52+02:00",
    "updated_at": "2020-05-03T15:25:52+02:00",
    "description": "Great views from this watch-tower",
    "expires_at": "2021-05-03T18:25:52+02:00",
    "category": {
      "id": 6,
      "name": "Observation point",
      "slug": "observation-point",
      "icon": "/images/marker-01.svg"

Create a marker on a map

POST /api/maps/{map-uuid}/markers
Parameter Type Rules Required Description
category int Exists in categories Only if category_name is not present If you know the category ID that you want to use, pass it with this parameter. Otherwise, use category_name
lat numeric Between: -90,90 Yes The lat position of the marker
lng numeric Between: -180,180 Yes The lng position of the marker
zoom numeric Between: 0,20 - The zoom level of the marker
elevation numeric Between: -100000,100000 - The elevation in meters of the marker. If not passed, Cartes.io will at some point (up to a day) compute the height above or below sea level for the given location
heading numeric Between: 0,359 - The heading that the marker is pointing
pitch numeric Between: -90,90 - The pitch of the marker relative to the horizon
roll numeric Between: -180,180 - The roll of the marker relative to the horizon
speed numeric Between: -100000,100000 - The indicated speed of the marker in meters per second. This is different than groundspeed, which should be computed between two or more markerLocations
description string Max: 191 - A description associated with the marker
category_name string Min: 3, Max: 32 Only if category is not present If you don't know the category ID you want to use or you want to create a new category, pass this parameter
meta array or json Max: 10 elements - Custom meta tags

Note: if you're unauthenticated, you will be limited as to how many markers you can create per day.

The optional zoom parameter helps determine how precise the marker should be. Have a look at this table to determine the precision levels.

Get a single marker on a map


Get all locations for a single marker

GET /api/maps/{map-uuid}/markers/{marker-id}/locations

Edit a marker on a map

PUT /api/maps/{map-uuid}/markers/{marker-id}
Parameter Type Rules Required Description
description string Max: 191 - A description associated with the marker

You should pass the marker token in the request. If the marker is associated with your account, you can pass an API key instead.

Create a new location for a marker on a map

POST /api/maps/{map-uuid}/markers/{marker-id}/locations
Parameter Type Rules Required Description
lat numeric Between: -90,90 Yes The lat position of the marker
lng numeric Between: -180,180 Yes The lng position of the marker
zoom numeric Between: 0,20 - The zoom level of the marker
elevation numeric Between: 0,100000 - The elevation in meters of the new position. This parameter will only be applied if both lat and lng are also sent in the request. If lat and lng are passed but not this parameter, Cartes.io will compute the height above or below sea level for the given coordinates.
heading numeric Between: 0,359 - The heading that the marker is pointing
pitch numeric Between: -90,90 - The pitch of the marker relative to the horizon
roll numeric Between: -180,180 - The roll of the marker relative to the horizon
speed numeric Between: 0,100000 - The indicated speed of the marker in meters per second. This is different than groundspeed, which should be computed between two or more markerLocations

You should pass the marker token in the request. If the marker is associated with your account, you can pass an API key instead.

Mark a marker as spam

PUT /api/maps/{map-uuid}/markers/{marker-id}
Parameter Type Rules Required Description
is_spam boolean - - Whether or not the marker is spam

Only the map owner can mark a marker as spam. You should either pass a map_token or, if the map is associated with your account, an API key.

You cannot mark your own markers as spam.

Delete a marker on a map

DELETE /api/maps/{map-uuid}/markers/{marker-id}

Create markers in bulk

POST /api/maps/{map-uuid}/markers/bulk

Provide an array of markers. This array should contain marker objects with the following formatting/rules:

Parameter Type Rules Required Description
category int Exists in categories Only if category_name is not present If you know the category ID that you want to use, pass it with this parameter. Otherwise, use category_name
lat numeric Between: -90,90 Yes The lat position of the marker
lng numeric Between: -180,180 Yes The lng position of the marker
description string Max: 191 - A description associated with the marker
category_name string Min: 3, Max: 32 Only if category is not present If you don't know the category ID you want to use or you want to create a new category, pass this parameter
created_at timestamp - - When the marker was created
updated_at timestamp - - When the marker was updated
expires_at timestamp - - When the marker expired
meta array or json Max: 10 elements - Custom meta tags

To post markers in bulk, you must create a personal access token in your account settings and be approved to create markers in bulk. To request approval to use this endpoint, email us.

Create markers from file (GPX, GeoJSON)

POST /api/maps/{map-uuid}/markers/file
Parameter Type Rules Required Description
file file One of filetype: GPX, GeoJSON Yes The file from which to extract markers from

To post markers in bulk via file, you must create a personal access token in your account settings and be approved to create markers in bulk. To request approval to use this endpoint, email us.


Get all categories

GET /api/categories

Search all categories

GET /api/categories/search?q=xxx

Create a category

Create categories while creating new markers.

Get a single category


Get related categories

GET /api/categories/{category-id}/related

Edit a single category


Delete a single category



The following endpoints require authentication with a valid API token.

Get yourself

GET /api/user

Attribution and use policy

In any application you make that uses this API, you must attribute Cartes.io in a clear and visible manner. Additionally, if showing category icons, you must attribute Icons8, the icon provider.

Additionally, you must respect the map privacy options. If the privacy is set to unlisted or private, you may not include the map data in indexes, return the data on search pages, or make them public in any manner that compromises the integrity of the privacy setting.