4.Virtual Implementation - M-Division-2019-20-Even/Repo-15 GitHub Wiki

a.Image of 3D modelling of each subsystem:

1.RFID scanner:

RFID scanner

2.LCD Screen:

LCD screen

3.Dispensing part:

Dispensing part





Assembly of entire system:

3D model

b.Circuit diagram:

1.RFID scanner:

RFID scanner

2.LCD Screen:

LCD screen

3.DC motor:

DC motor

Entire System:

Full circuit

c.Flow chart:

RFID scanner:

Entire system:

d.Bill Of Materials:

e.Motor sizing and Battery sizing:

Motor sizing

T= F*r

T= mg*D/2

T= 0.0029800.15

T= 0.294

Therefore we need motor with 300rpm.

Sl.no Motor used nos RPM used Purpose of use
1. DC motor 2 300 rpm Used for rotating the dispenser

Battery sizing

Not applicable(Models runs by the help of power supply).

f.3D modelling of drill bit dispenser:
