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1. Vending machine Some manufacturers, such as Dixie-Narco, also make the complicated electronic devices used in vending machines, while others purchase them pre-made and install them as part of the manufacturing process. These components include bill and coin validators, computer control boards, refrigeration units, and A vending machine is an automated machine that provides items such as snacks, beverages, cigarettes and lottery tickets to consumers after money, a credit card, or a specially designed card is inserted into the machine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHQBsswUeT0
2. Delarue Cash Dispenser ardino based programming, such that it checks the number of notes of particular value and displays the count it checks the note is original or not if not it will makes the notification The De La Rue Quikfill Cash CanTM dispenser unit is quick and simple to use and refill. Merchants, owners, and vault services, should only need to open the front door on the ATM, slide out the money tray, put money in, and shut the door. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r80IJUXBOQQ
3. Soda Vending Machine Fully-Automatic Semi-Automatic machines Soda Machine Transformer Hose Clamp Carbonation Motor Soda Machine Sensor Home Tube for Soda Machine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK7r35DqrNA
4. Bill Changer sensors,ardino board Every good size account should have a bill changer. Your customers will come to work with only a larger bill and will need to change it so they can purchase from you.The best thing to do for them is to have the bill changer. If you set your vending machines up to take the larger bills you will constantly be running out of coins. When your machines run out of coins the use exact change light comes on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmOojYsXhlA
5. Coffee Vending Machines Portafilter Filter Spring Portafilter Basket Group Gasket Group Screen Group Dispense SwitchGroup Dosing Keypad You load water into the tank at the back. A pump at the bottom sucks the water in and pumps it through the machine. The water heats up to the perfect temperature as it flows up past the heating element https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64BbdR0st40
6. Dog Food dispenser Arduino Uno,Continuous Servo Motor,Rotary Encoder (Potentiometer with push click),RTC DS1307 (Real Time Clock),Bread board,10k Potentiometer,3D printed Archimedes' screw (3D CAD File uploaded),10k ohm Resistor,220 ohm Resistor,Push Button,LCD Display (compatible with arduino),47µF Capacitors,Jumper Cables Transporting mechanism. [https://www.instructables.com/id/Dog-Food-Dispenser-1/](dog food dispenser)
7. Water dispenser 12V Solenoid Valve,A length of hose (which should be able to withstand a fair bit of pressure),2x 3/4" hose clamps,Any 15x15x20 laser cut, homemade or cardboard box,Around 2x 1/2" female to male threaded pipe adapters, depending on whether your solenoid reaches the edge of your box,Some kind of drip tray with a grate to catch any liquid that spills,An Arduino Uno board,2x wire crimps which fit the solenoid valve you've bought,An HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor,A breadboard,Some leads,Two 20cm long cables,2x bits of heat shrink tubing,Soldering equipment,A tap spout (or any spout which can connect to your solenoid),An N channel MOSFET,A 1K and A 10K resistor,A barrel jack (that can connect to your arduino board),Some extra wood for making a small table inside the box,Woodworking equipment,Spray or a water-based paint,Crimping equipment (some pliers and wire cutters) -- https://www.instructables.com/id/Automatic-Arduino-Water-Dispenser/
8. Soap dispenser pumps(ZJchao 12v Dc Diy Dosing Pump Peristaltic Dosing Head),power supply (I recommend upgrading to 1A or more)(Power Adapter Supply 12V 500mA 0.5A DC 100-240V 5.5/2.5mm 5.5/2.1mm Standardhose barbs),(5 Pieces) 1/8" Hose Barb Mendor Union Splicer Brass Fitting Gas Fuel Water Airbuttons,Red 50Pcs Mini Momentary On/Off Lockless Micro Push Button SPST Switcharduino,MINI USB Nano V3.0 ATmega328P CH340G 5V 16M Micro-controller board For Arduino Ntubing. get more if your pumps are at all far from your washing machine.TBL Low-Density Polyethylene Tubing LDPE .170" ID x .25" OD x 7ft OALpower supply connector,10pcs DC Power Female Jack Barrel Plug Connector 2.1 x 5.5 mm Adapter Terminal -- https://www.instructables.com/id/Automatic-Soap-Dispenser-for-Washing-Machines/