Command Wiki - LxcidDream/XENSIS-Lobby-Bot GitHub Wiki

Public Commands !skin - Puts on the selected skin. Usage: !skin Renegade Raider

!backpack - Puts on the selected backbling. Usage: !backpack Black Shield

!emote - Does the selected emote. (!stop - to stop emoting) Usage: !emote Floss

!pickaxe - Puts on the selected pickaxe. Usage: !pickaxe Raider's Revenge

!pet - Puts on the selected pet as a backbling. Usage: !pet Bonesy

!emoji - Does the selected emoji. Usage: !emoji Victory Royale

!current - Gets bot's current loadout. Usage: !current (skin, backpack, emote, pickaxe, banner)

!name - Gets the name of a cosmetic ID. Usage: !name CID_028_Athena_Commando_F

!cid - Returns the CID of a skin name. Usage: !cid Renegade Raider

!bid - Returns the BID of a backpack name. Usage: !bid Black Shield

!eid - Returns the EID of an emote name. Usage: !eid Floss

!pid - Returns the PID of a pickaxe name. Usage: !pid Raider's Revenge

!random - Puts on a random cosmetic. Usage: !random (skin, backpack, emote, pickaxe)

!point - Points with current or selected pickaxe. Usage: !point Raider's Revenge

!checkeredrenegade - Puts on the checkered variant of the Renegade Raider. Usage: !checkeredrenegade

!pinkghoul - Puts on the pink variant of the Ghoul Trooper. Usage: !pinkghoul

!purpleskull - Puts on the purple variant of the Skull Trooper. Usage: !purpleskull

!purpleportal - Puts on the purple variant of the Skull Portal. Usage: !purpleportal

!goldpeely - Puts on the golden peely skin. Usage: !goldpeely

!hatlessrecon - Puts on the Recon Expert variant with no hat. Usage: !hatlessrecon

!hologram - Puts on a holographic skin. Usage: !hologram

!itemshop - Puts on all current item-shop skins Usage: !itemshop

!new - Puts on all new skins + emotes during the current update. Usage: !new (skins, emotes)

!ready - Makes the bot ready up Usage: !ready

!unready - Makes the bot unready Usage: !unready

!sitout - Makes the bot sit out. Usage: !sitout

!sitin - Makes the bot sit in if it was sitting out. Usage: !sitin

!tier - Changes the bot's battle pass tier. Usage: !tier 100

!level - Changes the bot's seasonal level. Usage: !level 100

!banner - Change's the bots banner icon and banner color. Usage: !banner (Banner ID, Banner Color ID, #) (Banner Color ID, #)

!stop - Makes the bot stop copying all users or to stop emoting. Usage: !stop

!copy - Makes the bot copy a player until told to stop. Usage: !copy (party member, stop)

Admin Commands !admin - Adds a user to the admin list, which allows them to have access to all commands. Usage: !admin (add, remove, list) (username)

!hide - Hides users in the bot's party (Bot has to be party leader) Usage: !hide (party member, all)

!unhide - Unhides all users in the party Usage: !unhide

!avatar - Changes the bot's avatar icon shown in the friends list. Usage: !avatar Renegade Raider

!say - Makes the bot say a selected message to the party chat. Usage: !say Hello.

!whisper - Makes the bot whisper a selected message to a friend. Usage: !whisper Ninja Hello.

!match - Puts the bot into a match. Usage: !match (auto, #, leave)

!status - Changes the bot's status message. Usage: !status New message here

!leave - Makes the bot leave it's current party. Usage: !leave

!kick - Kicks a user in the bot's lobby. (Bot has to be party leader) Usage: !kick (Ninja, all)

!promote - Promotes a selected user. If none, promotes you. (Bot has to be party leader) Usage: !promote (Ninja)

!privacy - Changes the bot's privacy. Usage: !privacy (public, friends, private)

!join - Joins a friend on the bot's friends list. If none, tries to join you. Usage: !join (Ninja)

!invite - Invites a friend on the bot's friends list. If none, bot invites you. Usage: !invite (Ninja, all)

!add - Tries to add a user on Fortnite to the bot's friends list. Usage: !add Ninja

!remove - Tries to remove a friend on the bot's friends list. Usage: !remove (Ninja, all)

!block - Blocks a user on the bot's friends list. Usage: !block Ninja

!blocked - Shows all of the bot's blocked users. Usage: !blocked

!unblock - Unblocks a user that's currently blocked on the bot's block list. Usage: !unblock Ninja

!friends - Shows all of the bot's friends currently added. Usage: !friends

!members - Shows all of the users currently in the bot's party. Usage: !members

!id - Shows the ID of the inputted username. Usage: !id Ninja

!user - Shows the user of a specific user ID. Usage: !user (user ID)