How to use keyboardSwitcher to automatically change the layout when a bluetooth keyboard is present - Lutzifer/keyboardSwitcher GitHub Wiki

Install keyboardSwitcher on your machine

In your terminal, run

brew tap lutzifer/homebrew-tap
brew install keyboardSwitcher

Test the installation by running

keyboardSwitcher get

Setup Control Plane

  1. Download and install control plane from
  2. Launch control plane, then activate the bluetooth Evidence source. activate bluetooth
  3. Create 2 contexts:
  • English
  • German setup contexts
  1. Add two rules to activate the context when the keyboard is present/not present german rule u.s. rule
  2. Create shellscripts for every language and save them to a folder, e.g. Documents/Shellscripts in your home folder:
/usr/local/bin/keyboardSwitcher select U.S.


/usr/local/bin/keyboardSwitcher select German

and set them to activate when the context gets active in the action pane:

setup actions

Now, when the keyboard is being connected or disconnected, the corresponding input language is selected.