Home - Lunatix89/luna-libspotify-dotnet GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the luna-libspotify-dotnet wiki!
Implementation Progress:
Spotify types & structs  No need for implementation
Error Handling  Partially Implemented
Session handling  Implemented (Beta, some things are untested)
Links (Spotify URIs)  Implemented (Beta, some things are untested)
Track subsystem  Partially Implemented
Album subsystem  Partially Implemented
Artist subsystem  Partially Implemented
Album browsing  Will be implemented
Artist browsing  Will be implemented
Image handling  Will be implemented
Search subsystem  Will be implemented
Playlist subsystem  Partially Implemented
User handling  Implemented
Toplist handling  Will be implemented
Inbox subsystem  Will be implemented
What is possible to with the actual version:
- Session: Start session
- Session: User login
- Links: Create a link from a string (Spotify Url)
- Tracks: Create a local track
- Tracks: Create a track from a link ("MyLink.asTrack()")
- Tracks: Get information
- Album: Get information
- Artist: Get information
- Session: Get various playlists for user
- Session Playback: Load a track
- Session Playback: Start playback (You have to handle "onMusicDelivery" by your application)
- Session Playback: Stop playback
- Session Playback: Prefetch a track
- Session Playback: Unload actual track