Pause Events - Lumbridge/Dolphin-Script GitHub Wiki

Time Pause Events

Time pauses are used to create a delay between actions in the script, in the image below we have a 1 second pause after each mouse move event.
Pause Event Example

Fixed Pause

A fixed pause will pause the script for an exact number of seconds before continuing to the next event in the event list.

Random Pause

A random pause is one which will pause for a random amount of time between the two bounds set. E.g. If the lower bound is 4 seconds and the upper bound is 7 seconds then the script will pause for a random time between 4 and 7 seconds before continuing.

Colour Pause Events

Colour Pauses can be used to make the script wait until a certain colour exists (or doesn't exist) in an area before moving on with the rest of the script.

Pause While Colour Exists in an Area on Screen

This event will pause the script while a colour exists in a specified area on screen.

Pause While Colour Doesn't Exist in an Area on Screen

This event will pause the script while a colour doesn't exist in a specified area on screen.

Pause While Colour Exists in an Area on a Specific Window

This event will pause the script while a colour exists in a specified area on a specified window.

Pause While Colour Doesn't Exist in an Area on a Specific Window

This event will pause the script while a colour doesn't exist in a specified area on a specified window.