Mouse Click Events - Lumbridge/Dolphin-Script GitHub Wiki
Normal Mouse Click Events
Left Mouse Click
This event will click the left mouse button then release it.
Middle Mouse Click
This event will click the middle mouse button then release it.
Right Mouse Click
This event will click the right mouse button then release it.
Hold Mouse Button Events
Hold Left Mouse Button
This event will hold down the left mouse button until a release left mouse button event is used.
Hold Middle Mouse Button
This event will hold down the middle mouse button until a release middle mouse button event is used.
Hold Right Mouse Button
This event will hold down the right mouse button until a release right mouse button event is used.
Release Mouse Button Events
Release Left Mouse Button
This event will release the left mouse button from being held down by a hold left mouse button event.
Release Middle Mouse Button
This event will release the middle mouse button from being held down by a hold middle mouse button event.
Release Right Mouse Button
This event will release the right mouse button from being held down by a hold right mouse button event.