IronPython - Luke31/i18n-cs GitHub Wiki
(IronPython 2.7)
Example project: IronPythonPackageLib and IronPythonCsharp
This tutorial is based on IronPython Python 2.7 - Internationalizing your programs and modules
Tutorial for translation using Poedit (Warning Python 3!): Translate Your Python 3 Program with the gettext Module Unicode mess
A complete guide to i18n in Python with Github example: handroll
##Python-part First we start with the Python-Part. In the example project IronPythonPackageLib there are two packages for demonstration: sample and package.
Given state: The core-module in the sample-package calls a function in the side-module of the package-package. All the strings are given in the source-code.
Desired state: Translations per package
Following steps have been taken in the example-project to achieve this translation:
Mark all strings which you'd like to translate with
For formatted strings:
Hint: For translated strings: use keys or at least indexes for translaters to change position of replaced strings!
numb1 = 1 numb2 = 2 #Former format string: print('This is a formatted string: %2d %d' % (numb1, numb2)) print(_('This is a formatted string: {n1:2d} {n2:d}').format(n1=numb1, n2=numb2)) print(_('This is a formatted string: {0:2d} {1:d}').format(numb1, numb2)) print(_('This is a formatted string: %(n1)2d %(n2)d') % {'n1':numb1, 'n2':numb2})
Run (Similar to GNU xgettext) from C:\Python27\Tools\i18n on your IronPython-packages containing your .py-files
Hint: IronPython does not contain a Tools\i18n folder! Use the one from a regular Python 2.7 instance instead (in the example IronPythonPackageLib already contains a copy of for convenience) -d sample sample/*.py -d package package/*.py
This will get you a sample.pot and package.pot template file containing all the marked strings per package.
Move the generated sample.pot template file to IronPythonPackageLib/locale/sample.pot
Copy it and save it to IronPythonPackageLib/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/sample.po (Yes .po, not .pot - make sure the file is saved in Unicode). Now you may open it and translate the strings: msgid is the original string, msgstr is the translation. Don't forget to set "Language: ja\n"
Hint: You may use the Tool Poedit to translate your strings:
Convert the .po-file to a .mo-binary-file using in C:\Python27\Tools\i18n
Hint: If you've used Poedit, the tool has already done this for you :) sample
Repeat steps 3-5 for package.pot
To localize per package (Domain per Package) we'll introduce the ()-function per package-namespace. Add the following code in the of the sample-packge:
current_locale, encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale() _ = gettext.translation('sample', 'locale', [current_locale], fallback = True).ugettext #unicode gettext
Do the same for the of the package-packge (Write package instead of sample)
Python-part finished!
Addition maintenance: If you're source file has changd and you need to add the new translations, just edit the .po and add the new strings
OR: Even easier is the process with Poedit:
- Generate the new .pot file as usual
- Open your existing .po-translation with Poedit and select Catalogue -> Update from POT-file
- Select the new generated .pot file
- All new strings have been added to your existing translation
- Translate the new strings to Japanese
Hint: For all files containing UTF-8 characters, put this at top of file:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Addition: If you'd like to change languages on the fly use this snippet (Only as an info, not in example, see: Changing languages on the fly):
import gettext
langEn = gettext.translation('IronPython', languages=['en'])
langJa = gettext.translation('IronPython', languages=['ja'])
# start by using language1
##C-Sharp-Part The C#-part is not described in this tutorial, see the IronPythonCsharp-Project for how to execute the IronPython-Assembly from C#.
##Python to C-Sharp The make_python_dll.bat-Script in IronPythonPackageLib/tool is used to perform the following tasks:
- Package the standard python libraries to an assembly (stdipy.dll and stdipyencod.dll)
- Package the custom python packages sample and package to sample.dll and package.dll
- Add custom resource informations to the dlls using ResHacker.exe
- Copy all the assemblies and the locale-folder to IronPythonCsharp/bin/Release
You may start the application using IronPythonCsharp/bin/Release/IronPythonCsharp.exe
Why are not keys used in msgid?
See Combining keys and full text when working with gettext and .po files
What options do we have to get different translations per package?
See How do I use multiple .mo files simultaneously for gettext translation?
Why should we use keywords for formatting instead of % or {}?
The order of the inserted strings may change depending on language, See: "You have a {color} {car}" and "Vous avez une {car} {color}" How to use % and .format() See: PyFormat