Making your own component - LucyMHall/Fizzy_O GitHub Wiki

  • Make a directory called components
  • make a file with the name of whatever your component does e.g. FetchLocation.js
  • at the top of the file import React import React from 'react':
  • then make the component: const nameOfComponent = props => { return (); }
  • if you are using a Button component you have to improt it at the top e.g. import {Button} from 'react-native';, then you can just refer to it in the component as `


  • allow for component customisation - adding parameters when created - these creation parameters are called props e.g. make a component for greeting people:
class Greeting extends Component {
  render() {
  return (
      <Text> Hello {}!</Text>

Then you can make a component that uses this component and supplies the name props value

<Greeting name="Lucy" />
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