SteamVR Troubleshooting Guide - LucidVR/lucidgloves GitHub Wiki

SteamVR Troubleshooting

  flowchart TD;
      A{Glove Icons appear in SteamVR?}
      A -- No -->B

      B{Is OpenGloves Installed?}
      B -- No -->BA
      BA[Install OpenGloves from <a href=''>Steam</a>]

      B -- Yes -->BBA
      BBA[Enable the driver by going to steamvr settings > startup/shutdown > manage addons > enable opengloves]
      A -- Yes --> BBB
      BBB{Are the glove icons coloured or grey?}
      BBB -- Grey --> BBBA
      BBBA[Ensure that right communicaton method is selected in both driver and firwmare] --> BBBAA
      BBBAA{Using Serial or Bluetooth?}
      BBBAA -- Serial --> BBBAAA
      BBBAAA[Ensure that comm port is correct in driver configuration] --> BBBAAB
      BBBAAB[Ensure that comm port is in the format \\.\COM<port>] --> BBBAAC
      BBBAAC[Else, message on our discord server]

      BBB -- Coloured --> BBB1
      BBB1{What's the issue?}
      BBB1 -- Finger Tracking --> BBBB
      BBBB{What do the fingers look like?}
      BBBB -- Not moving, open hand pose --> BBBBA
      BBBBA[Message on our discord server]

      BBBB -- Not moving, in a fist --> BBBBB
      BBBBB[Move calibration pin off pin 0]

      BBBB -- Moving, flickering fast --> BBBBC
      BBBBC[While glove is on and connected, make a fist and open again to calibrate] --> BBBBCA
      BBBBCA[Check wiring, this is the issue most of the time] --> BBBBCB
      BBBBCB[Message on our discord server]
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️