Potion List - LucidTyrant/Adventure GitHub Wiki

This contains all non-unique occurring potions, this list should be used to generate inventory for creatures that may produce and/or sell potions. The creature's personality and environment should be taken into account when selecting potions.

Bed in a Bottle

A lavender colored potion sways slowly back and forth and smells of a place of comfort, varying between individuals.

Contains one unit.

A willing consumer will instantly begin falling into a deep sleep for the entirety of a long rest. While in this sleep very little will wake the consumer, aside from severe conditions. The consumer will recover two levels of exhaustion instead of one, and will not suffer the effects of exhaustion while sleeping armor or poor conditions.

An unwilling consumer must make a willpower saving throw 15 or lose consciousness. They will gain all the benefits if they complete the long rest and can be awoken by the same means.

Standard Cost: 50 gp

Gelatinous Potion

A thick, viscous potion that can come in a variety of colors, though primarily found in red, green, or yellow. It jiggles when shaken but liquefies when it comes in contact with air.

Contains one unit.

Upon consumption the pours begin emitting an oily substance that coats everything that is on the individual, for the duration of one hour the individual has:

  • Resistance to bludgeoning damage
  • Advantage against being grappled and Disadvantage to grapple
  • Able to Squeeze though spaces two size categories smaller than their size

Standard Cost: 75 gp

Goodberry Potion

Several berries, in various shades of light reds and blue, and sealed in a syrup. The mouth of the container is wide enough that you would be able to get one or two out at a time with ease.

Contains 1d10 uses.

The potion functions as a permanent Goodberry Spell, restoring 1 hit point and providing enough nourishment to sustain a creature for a day.

Standard Cost: 5 gp per berry

Mercy Potion

An almost clear vial that emits small sparkles when shaken to any degree, removing the cork allows anyone that listens closely a soft voice giving off a melodious hum.

Contains 1 unit.

For eight hours after consuming the potion the player will have advantage when making death saving throws until stable or stabilizing another individual. The effect dissipates afterwards, whether it was successful or not.

Standard Cost: 30 gp

Paralysis Poison

A viscous yellow fluid fills the container, it smells of plant matter and attempting to pour it out takes quite a while.

Contains 3 unit(s).

One use can be applied to a single piercing or slashing weapon, or up to 3 pieces of ammunition.

Creatures being that take damage from piercing or slashing must make a DC 15 Constitution Saving Throw or be paralyzed for (1d4-Constitution Modifier) turns, minimum one turn.

Listed Effects of the potion. (See Gelatinous Potion)

  • Standard Cost:

    Protection Potion

    Sobriety Potion

    Torpor Poison


    Contains 3 unit(s).

    A use can be placed into a food or drink, giving whatever it was applied to a bitter taste. Forcing a creature consume the entire potion will increase the potency of the potion.

    A DC 15 for Nature or Medicine can be made to determine that a meal had been poisoned, less than 10 results in the creature having no suspicion of the meal they are consuming, preparing the meal or taking 1 minute to apply the poison to the meal will raise the DC to 20.

    Listed Effects of the potion. (See Gelatinous Potion)

    • Standard Cost:

      Template for adding potion to the list


      Contains X unit(s).

      General Effects of the potion. (See Bed in a Bottle)

      Special Effects of the potion. (See Bed in a Bottle)

      Listed Effects of the potion. (See Gelatinous Potion)

      • Standard Cost:
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