7. Weak AI and Strong AI (Yuqiang) - Lucia922/IT115-WiKi GitHub Wiki

1.What is Strong AI?

Strong artificial intelligence(AI), also known as artificial general intelligence(AGI) or general AI, is a theoretical form of AI used to describe a certain mindset of AI development. If researchers are able to develop Strong AI, the machine would require an intelligence equal to humans; it would have a self-aware consciousness that has the ability to solve problems, learn, and plan for the future.

2.What is Weak AI?

Weak AI, also known as narrow AI, focuses on performing a specific task, such as answering questions based on user input or playing chess. Weak AI relies on human interference to define the parameters of its learning algorithms and to provide the relevant training data to ensure accuracy.

3.Strong AI vs. Weak AI

Strong AI only exists today as a theoretical concept versus a tangible reality.For now, many people use the Turing test to evaluate intelligence of an AI system. Weak AI only focuses on one specific task. In our daily life, such as siri, self-driving cars and virtual assistants are kinds of Weak AI.

Work Cite

Education, Ibm Cloud. “Strong AI.” IBM, 18 Sept. 2020, www.ibm.com/cloud/learn/strong-ai.


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