Icon - LuccaSA/lucca-ui GitHub Wiki

All icons used in Lucca-UI come from the "lucca-icons" font that comes with the framework, courtesy of Lucca. If you don't want/need it, just add @enable: false to your theme's icon.overrides.less file.

The icon element, from v.1.1.0 and up, comes from the "lucca-icons" bower component

Displaying an icon

Using classes

In order to display an icon, you have to add three css classes to a <i></i> element : lui icon {nameOfTheIcon} (N.B.: {nameOfTheIcon} can consist of multiple words, such as "arrow north").

To get the actual name of the icon you want to display, you can check the cheatsheet on the demo page.


<button class="lui button"><i class="lui edit icon"></i>Edit</button>

Using the mixin

You can add the icon to an element directly in your less file with the .lui_make_icon(@iconName, @position) mixin.

The mixin takes two parameters : (1) the actual registered name of the icon (cf the demo page) and (2) the position of the icon ("left" or "right"), which defaults to left.

.edit-button {
    .lui_make_icon(edit, right);

Using attributes

Finally, displaying an icon can be achieved by giving your element a lui-icon="{iconCharacterCode}" attribute.

All icons were made by the Lucca designer team. Thanks to Clotilde Martin Lemerle and Léa Mendes !

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