Functions - LucasMW/mongaComp GitHub Wiki
Functions Have a three things:
- name
- return type
- parameters
And are declared like this:
type name (parameters)
void func(); float sum(float[] array); int opposite(int a);
void means no type, and in this case, means the function func has no return.
functions need to be associated to a block of code, i.e. its definition
In monga functions are defined like this:
void hello() {
int opposite(int a) {
return -a;
float sum(float[] a,int size) {
int i;
float s;
s = 0;
while(i<size) {
s = a[i] + s;
i = i+1;
return s;
Note that the void function has no return, like its supposed.
The return must contain the expression that contains the result of its execution.
##Calling functions
it will result in an expression which contains the result of the function
result = arraySum(array,limit);
@"The opposite of "; @a; " is "; @opposite(a);
Functions can be declared one file and defined in another file.
Monga can use C defined functions, but there are some limitations.