Flow Control - LucasMW/mongaComp GitHub Wiki

Flow Control

if clause:

if(condition) {
 //do something if condition is true

if else clause:

if(condition) {
 //do something
else {
 //do something else

while clause:

while(condition) {
 //do something

while is used to make loops. an example:

 //sum of array
 float sum;
 sum = 0;
 int i;
 i = 0;
 while(i<10) {
  sum = sum + fArray[i];
  i = i + 1;
 @"Sum is : "@sum; @"\n";

Note that if the line

i = i + 1;

is removed, the loop would be stuck because i<10 would always result true,

thus resulting into an infinite loop.