【Azure Redis 缓存】定位Java Spring Boot 使用 Jedis 或 Lettuce 无法连接到 Redis的网络连通性步骤 - LuBu0505/My-Code GitHub Wiki


Java Spring Boot的代码在IDE里面跑可以连上 Azure 的 Redis服务,打包成Image放在容器里面跑,就连不上azure的redis服务,错误消息为:

Unable to connect to Redis; nested exception is org.springframework.data.redis.connection.PoolException: 
Could not get a resource from the pool; nested exception is io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionException: Unable to connect to xxxxxxxxxxxxx.redis.cache.chinacloudapi.cn:6380


第一步: 因为容器是Linux的机器上运行,所以第一步是确认客户端与Azure Redis服务之间的网络连通性。可以通过PsPing或者PaPing 测试。

psping xxxxxxxxxxxxx.redis.cache.chinacloudapi.cn:6380

./paping -p 6380 -c 500 xxxxxxxxxxxxx.redis.cache.chinacloudapi.cn



PS:在windows的机器上,可以使用 tcping  xxxxxxxxxxxxx.redis.cache.chinacloudapi.cn:6380

第二步: 抓取网络包

sudo tcpdump -i en0 -w xxxx.pcap

从网络包中验证是否是与TLS协议,版本错误相关。如果能够查看TCP及TLSv1.2的Application Data传递,则表明网络连通性,TLS协议都没有问题。 No alt text provided for this image



package example.demo;

import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.JedisShardInfo;

* Redis test
public class App 
   public static void main( String[] args )

       boolean useSsl = true;
       String cacheHostname = "redis host";
       String cachekey = "key";

       // Connect to the Azure Cache for Redis over the TLS/SSL port using the key.
       JedisShardInfo shardInfo = new JedisShardInfo(cacheHostname, 6380, useSsl);
       shardInfo.setPassword(cachekey); /* Use your access key. */
       Jedis jedis = new Jedis(shardInfo);      

       // Perform cache operations using the cache connection object...

       // Simple PING command        
       System.out.println( "\nCache Command  : Ping" );
       System.out.println( "Cache Response : " + jedis.ping());

       // Simple get and put of integral data types into the cache
       System.out.println( "\nCache Command  : GET Message" );
       System.out.println( "Cache Response : " + jedis.get("Message"));

       System.out.println( "\nCache Command  : SET Message" );
       System.out.println( "Cache Response : " + jedis.set("Message", "Hello! The cache is working from Java!"));

       // Demonstrate "SET Message" executed as expected...
       System.out.println( "\nCache Command  : GET Message" );
       System.out.println( "Cache Response : " + jedis.get("Message"));

       // Get the client list, useful to see if connection list is growing...
       System.out.println( "\nCache Command  : CLIENT LIST" );
       System.out.println( "Cache Response : " + jedis.clientList());



<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
 xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">


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   <pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->
       <!-- see http://maven.apache.org/ref/current/maven-core/default-bindings.html#Plugin_bindings_for_jar_packaging -->


使用 PsPing & PaPing 进行 TCP 端口连通性测试: https://docs.azure.cn/zh-cn/articles/azure-operations-guide/virtual-network/aog-virtual-network-tcp-psping-paping-connectivity#paping

当在复杂的环境中面临问题,格物之道需:浊而静之徐清,安以动之徐生。 云中,恰是如此!

分类: 【Azure Redis 缓存】

标签: LettuceJedisAzure Redis

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