【Azure Developer】VS Code无法连接到中国区Azure解决之法 - LuBu0505/My-Code GitHub Wiki


VS Code的Azure Resource插件,在设置Account为China Azure后,依旧无法连接到China Azure  image.png

点击Sign in Azure,依旧是打开的Global Azure的登录URL: 



查看Github上的介绍 “ can't login to Azure china with VS code Azure tools extension ”,  这是因为 Azure Resource的扩展插件在V0.8.0之后进行了升级,迁移了内置的Microsoft身份认证。新的版本中需要配置的是“microsoft-sovereign-cloud.environment”。把它的值设置为ChinaCloud即可。

操作步骤如下图: image.png


can't login to Azure china with VS code Azure tools extension #946 : https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-azure-account/issues/946

To connect to a sovereign cloud, set the microsoft-sovereign-cloud.environment setting. This is new as of v0.8.0 and is a result of our migration to the built-in Microsoft authentication extension which replaces the Azure Account extension. Learn more in the release notes.

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