【Azure App Service】在App Service for Windows上验证能占用的内存最大值 - LuBu0505/My-Code GitHub Wiki


在创建App Service服务的时候,根据定价层不同,内存使用的最大值也有不同。但在实际测试中,发现内存最大只能占用2GB左右,

而定价层中内存分配明明是大于2GB(比如B3定价层的内存为7GB), 这是一种什么情况呢? image.png

在App Service中Kudu工具上,查看进程分配的内存大小: image.png



var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Add services to the container.
var app = builder.Build();

app.MapGet("/oom/{objs}", (string objs) =>
    int objunmbers = int.Parse(objs);
        byte[][] largeArray = new byte[objunmbers][];
        for (int i = 0; i < objunmbers; i++)
            largeArray[i] = new byte[1024 * 1024 * 100]; // 每个对象占用100MB
        return "成功创建大数组对象: " + objs;
    catch (OutOfMemoryException)
        return "内存不足,无法创建大数组对象";


代码本地调试,可以看见应用占用内存直线上涨: usememory01.gif

部署到Azure App Service后,同样通过Kudu站点Process信息,发现内存的占用的确只有2GB左右,但请求需要更多内存资源时,页面返回:内存不足,无法创建大数组对象

这是因为App Service for Windows默认使用32位操作系统,最大内存只能分配2GB。

当主动修改位64位后,App Service 内存就可以占用到定价层所允许的最大值! image.png

如B3的定价层在Kudu中查看到w3wp.exe进程分配的内存达到了6GB image.png

根据以上测验,当使用App Service内存没有达到预期的值,且应用异常日志出现OutOfMemory时,就需要检查Platform的设置是否位64bit。


I see the message "Worker Process requested recycle due to 'Percent Memory' limit." How do I address this issue?


The maximum available amount of memory for a 32-bit process (even on a 64-bit operating system) is 2 GB. By default, the worker process is set to 32-bit in App Service (for compatibility with legacy web applications).

Consider switching to 64-bit processes so you can take advantage of the additional memory available in your Web Worker role. This triggers a web app restart, so schedule accordingly.

Also note that a 64-bit environment requires a Basic or Standard service plan. Free and Shared plans always run in a 32-bit environment.

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