【Azure 环境】标准版 Logic App 如何查看 Workflow的执行成功数和失败数的指标呢? - LuBu0505/My-Code GitHub Wiki


在Azure中创建逻辑应用(Logic App),有两种计划类型。一是消费型,另一种是标准型。 

在消费型的Logic App Metrics页面中,我们可以看见Workflow的执行成功数指标和失败数指标。如: image.png

但是,在标准型的Logic App Metrics页面中,却没有执行成功数,失败数等标识Workflow 执行指标?那么,如果需要查看这些指标,有什么办法呢?


需要通过Application Insights来实现查看标准Logic App Workflow的执行指标情况。包含有Runs Completed, Runs Failed, Runs Succeeded. 

第一步:在Logic App页面中启用 Application Insights image.png

第二步:进入Application Insights页面,查看Metrics,其中就可以查看workflow的执行情况 image.png

答案引用自: Application Insights Enhancements for Azure Logic Apps (Standard) - Preview (microsoft.com)


Through the investments that were made in enhancing our Application Insights schema, we are now able to gain additional insights from a Metrics perspective. From your Application Insights instance, select Metrics from the left navigation menu. From there, select your Application Insights instance as your Scope and then select workflow.operations as your Metric Namespace. From there, you can select the Metric that you are interested in such as** Runs Completed** and an Aggregation like Count or Avg. Once you have configured your filters, you will see a chart that represents workflow executions for your Application Insights instance. image.png

If you would like to filter based upon a specific workflow, you can do so by using filters. Filters require multi-dimensional metrics to be enabled on your Application Insights instance. Once that is enabled, subsequent events can be filtered. With multi-dimensional metrics enabled, we can now click on the Add filter button and then select Workflow from the **Property **dropdown, followed by = as our **Operator **and then select the appropriate workflow(s).

Using filtering will allow you to target a subset of the overall events that are captured in Application Insights. image.png


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