【Azure 应用服务】 在App Service中无法上传证书[Private Key Certificates (.pfx)],导入Azure Key Vault中的证书也无法成功 - LuBu0505/My-Code GitHub Wiki


在App Service的TLS/SSL settings页面,切换到Private Key Certificates (.pfx),通过Import Key Vault Certificate方式上传证书,提示成功,实际没有上传成功。通过Upload Certificate的方式上传证书,输入正确的密码,提示失败。使用Import Key Vault Certificate,导入Key Vault中的证书,也无法成功。 image.png


在查看App Service的操作日志后,发现问题原因是当前的App Service执行过Move Resource Group的操作,而上传证书的绑定到新的Resource Group所在的WebSpace,而不是App Service所在的WebSpace,因为WebSpace在最开始创建后,就无法修改。移动到其他资源组的时候也不会修改App Service的WebSpace。


Site 'app service name' was originally created in 'old group name xxx' resource group, but later moved to 'new group name ***' resource group. If you are trying to import certificate to this site, then the certificate will be in the WebSpace of 'new group name ***' resource group. But your website will still be in 'old group name xxx' resource group and hence will not be able to use the imported certificate.

Recommendation: Try importing certificate from another site that is still in the original  'old group name xxx' resource group. Or upload this certificate to right WebSpace using this below CLI command:

• az webapp config ssl import --name WebsiteName --resource-group WebsiteRGName --key-vault MyKeyVault --key-vault-certificate-name MyCertificateName
• az webapp config ssl upload --name WebsiteName --resource-group WebsiteRGName --certificate-file MyPfx.pfx --certificate-password Mypassword


  1. 在旧的Resource Group 中新建一个App Service, 位于同样的区域中,并且和目标App Service使用同样的Operating System
  2. 在新建的App Service中上传 Key Vault中的证书
  3. 在目标App Service中确认可以看到证书
  4. 删除新建的Web app
  5. 再次在目标App Service中确认可以看到证书并正常使用


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分类: 【Azure 应用服务】

标签: App Service导入证书失败Private Key Certificates (.pfx)az webapp config ssl importaz webapp config ssl upload