【Azure 应用服务】登录App Service 高级工具 Kudu站点的 Basic Auth 方式 - LuBu0505/My-Code GitHub Wiki


从Azure App Service的页面中,直接跳转到高级管理工具Kudu站点(https://.scm.chinacloudsites.cn/)时,可以自动使用AAD用户(即登录Azure门户的订阅账号),同时,也可以使用App Service的发布账号(如FTP账号和密码)登录,那如何来使用呢? image.png

There are 2 authentication mechanisms.

  • Single sign on. This is only available and a default mechanism accessing via browser. User will be authenticated via AAD login.
  • Basic Auth using Deployment-credentials. This is default for non browser - such as curl. However, one can force this mode on browser by appending basicauth such as https://mysite.scm.chinacloudsites.cn/basicauth.


在Azure App Service的门户中,可以在Deployment Center中,查看到Deployment Center中的Local Git/FTPS Credentials项中的UserName和Password。 image.png

在获取到上一步的 UserName 和 Password 后,通过 kudu 站点的 basicauth 接口登录它。


在Kudu站点的url后加/basicauth,在弹出的验证窗口中的输入FTP credentials。

https://<your app service name>.scm.chinacloudsites.cn/basicauth


附录一:禁用Kudu的FTP Credential方式登录(/basicauth), 可以通过Azure Cli的语句,具体如下:

az resource update --resource-group <resource-group> --name scm --namespace Microsoft.Web
                   --resource-type basicPublishingCredentialsPolicies --parent sites/<site-name>
                   --set properties.allow=false


Accessing the kudu servicehttps://github.com/projectkudu/kudu/wiki/Accessing-the-kudu-service#authentication--authorization

Disabling basic auth on App Service : https://azure.github.io/AppService/2020/08/10/securing-data-plane-access.html

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分类: 【Azure 应用服务】

标签: App ServiceFTP Credential 登录Kudu站点Disabling basic auth on App ServiceAccessing the kudu service

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